Evaluation matters! what is evaluation and why bother?
Have you done evaluation before or are you a newcomer? Either way you have evaluated and you have some evaluation skills ever since you first posed a ‘Why…mum?’ question.
Have you done evaluation before or are you a newcomer? Either way you have evaluated and you have some evaluation skills ever since you first posed a ‘Why…mum?’ question.
Unemployed people want to change their personal situations and are keen to re-train
Most of what we do and the decisions and judgements we come to are fed and watered by our unconscious, automated thinking. So with this automated decision-making comes our biases and short-hand thinking.
People with learning disabilities are suffering more from poverty, poor public services, austerity and discrimination.
Two reports on work in Poplar, East London looking at aspects of well being, community connectedness and what sense of ‘aspiration’ local people had. Amongst other things the research found that people on low incomes had many aspiarations and goals in life: 1) Local Study, Community Insights, 2) Local Study, ‘Aspiration’ and the local area.
Democracy day is one for celebrating our freedoms and choices that we can collectively make.
Wherever you are in the planning process I am happy to help. I am here to discuss your challenges and plans, help you evaluate ‘the how’ of your project, or even make some initial recommendations. So do feel free to ping me an e-mail or call – no commitments required ~ Jim Simpson
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