Training for staff and teams is provided in order to help organisations and their teams to be more effective.
Projects are tailored to match your business and organisational style, whilst encouraging you to think about new ways in which you and your team can reach your full potential.
Learning support and self-evaluation is also provided through one-to-one supervision, coaching and group sessions.
Action learning, conferencing (including ‘open space’) and other novel and highly impactful ways of learning are provided. Learning programme evaluation, design, testing and implementation is also provided as a services.
See also: the resources and research papers area.
Previous Projects
Written, designed and delivered remote, masters-level learning on human resources and organisational development topics
Conducted many independent services evaluations for clients including teaching evaluation approaches
Company structure and organisational health review for decisionLabs
Change management programme for managers in HM Forces and East Sussex County Council
Small business market growth audits for Sussex Enterprise
Research of learning materials and writing of a course for Social Work managers for the Open University (sub-contracted to the University of Brighton)
Feedback from Clients