Resources: Involving all the Players

Picture of Jim Simpson

Jim Simpson

Jim is a consultant, researcher, coach and developer.

This paper models all the key players involved in partnership work and in making better things happen in our communities and in public services

It was published and well read in the Communities of Practice for Public Service Websites (previously IDeA).

Involving All the Players

Links to other mini-papers and learning resources in the Empowerment Tools series:

Diagnosing Where Power Lies in the Public Domain  Where Power Lies in the Public Domain WEB

Empowerment Tools 1 – Healthy Partnerships Checklist

Consumer or Citizen:  the difference in theory and practice

Social Capital and Public Sector Professional Work

Practicing Participation

Also these materials are reflected upon in a paper that develops a new and more effective approach to managing public resources and services:

Discovering New Public Management

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