What is evaluation and why bother (training) is a short, 3-page guide that will help you to get started with structured visioning at the start of something, or post-hoc evaluation at the end of something. It will help you to evaluate any activity – in your worklife, your education, your personal life, your management – anything really as this guide is about first principles. The 3-page guide is illuminating for the new reader as well as refreshing for the old-hand. Where do I start with evaluating anything? Well, the answer is to question yourself in a rigorous way, interrogating whatever it is you are doing now, and questioning what you might want to do next.What evaluation means is discussed and made practical for you whether you are looking at evaluation at the individual level, project level, organisation level or in a broader environment. It can be use for Rapid Evaluation; Research Planning; Performance Auditing; and sitting on your own with a pen and paper trying to figure something out!
Our evaluations have helped organisations and managers to focus on their strenghths, make strategic choices, market themselves and get finance.